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Don't Watch if You are Single

Don’t Watch if You Are Single: 10 Movies That Will Make You Wish You Had a Partner

Being single can be awesome, but some movies just know how to tug at those heartstrings. Here’s a list of films that might make you yearn for that special someone to cuddle with. Proceed with caution!

1. The Notebook

A timeless classic, this love story between Noah and Allie will make you believe in soulmates. Their undying love through decades is heartwarming, and watching it alone might just have you reaching for the tissues.

2. La La Land

A modern-day musical about love and dreams, Sebastian and Mia’s journey is as enchanting as it is heart-wrenching. Their chemistry will make you miss the magic of romantic connections.

3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Joel and Clementine’s mind-bending love story explores the pain and beauty of relationships. This film will make you ponder the depths of love and loss, and possibly leave you wishing for someone to share those profound thoughts with.

4. Titanic

Jack and Rose’s epic romance set against the tragic sinking of the Titanic is a rollercoaster of emotions. The iconic scenes and heart-wrenching ending are best watched with someone to hold onto.

5. P.S. I Love You

After losing her husband, Holly finds comfort in letters he left behind. This touching film is a beautiful reminder of love that transcends even death, and it might leave you longing for such a deep connection.

6. 500 Days of Summer

This non-linear tale of love and heartbreak between Tom and Summer explores the complexities of relationships. It’s a stark reminder of how beautiful and painful love can be.

7. Before Sunrise

Jesse and Céline’s chance encounter and their one-night connection in Vienna will make you believe in serendipity and the magic of fleeting moments. Watching it might make you yearn for spontaneous adventures with someone special.

8. Her

In a futuristic setting, Theodore falls in love with an AI operating system named Samantha. This film delves into the nature of love and connection in the digital age, and it might leave you wishing for a unique bond of your own.



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