My dad kept malice with me for 10 years for choosing comedy over law – Alibaba


My dad kept malice with me for 10 years for choosing comedy over law – Alibaba

Renowned Nigerian comedian Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, famously known as Alibaba, shared a poignant account of his path to comedy, revealing a decade-long estrangement from his father due to choosing comedy over pursuing law.

In a candid conversation on The Honest Bunch Podcast’s Christmas edition, Alibaba reminisced about the pivotal moment he left university to inform his father of his aspiration to become a comedian. However, his father’s disapproval led to a rift, compelling Alibaba to leave home.

Recalling the emotional encounter, Alibaba recounted, “I disclosed to my dad my decision to forego studying law for comedy. His reaction was disbelief. He questioned my choice and disapproved, expressing that I was abandoning the family’s expectations.”

The rejection was so severe that Alibaba felt compelled to leave home, leading to a ten-year silence between him and his father. Despite numerous attempts at reconciliation, his father remained resolute, refusing to engage in conversation.

Reflecting on this tumultuous period, Alibaba shared, “The rift fueled my determination to succeed in comedy, to prove my father wrong. The estrangement between us was a driving force behind my commitment to excel in my chosen path.”

Alibaba’s journey highlights the personal struggles and sacrifices he endured to pursue his passion for comedy, driven by a desire to overcome familial objections and carve his own successful career in entertainment.



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